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Selfie Verification – A Comprehensive Spoof Protection Solution for Businesses

Selfie Verification – A Comprehensive Spoof Protection Solution for Businesses

Author: Carter | 08 Dec 2023

Identity theft is a rising issue across the globe and every industry is facing it. Thousands of people fall victim every year to this crime, losing their finances and privacy. According to the statistics, almost 40 million people experienced identity theft with the most likely group of people falling under age 30-39. For businesses, it is a growing challenge, and countering it is very important, not only from the regulatory perspective but also to safeguard assets and customers’ privacy. Biometric verification plays an important role in this regard. Recent progress, particularly the introduction of selfie ID verification and liveness detection, has significantly enhanced its effectiveness. It reduces the complexity of identification. 

This blog will cover all aspects of selfie verification, its major use cases, and why it is important.

Key Highlights

  • Understanding what selfie verification is and how it is different from facial recognition.
  • Exploring the ID theft and the need for selfie verification as the primary method of verification.
  • The selfie verification process workflow. 
  • Exploring selfie verification’s impact on crimes.

Selfie Verification – A Brief Introduction

Selfie verification is a game-changing technology and it is exactly what it sounds like, i.e., verification of the individual through their selfie. It only needs a smartphone camera to work and the user needs to submit a selfie which the system analyses to authenticate a user’s identity. On the backend, face recognition technology powers this process, making it easy for businesses to identify individuals on the go. Selfie authentication is typically paired with other means of verification to strengthen security. 

Selfie identity verification involves using a person’s facial features to confirm their identity, while liveness detection ensures that the verification process is interacting with a live person rather than a static image. These two components, selfie identity verification and liveness detection, complement each other to create a more robust authentication process.

Read More: Selfie Verification in KYC Onboarding for Better Customer Experience

Fraud Statistics: ID Theft

Studies reveal that 87% of people unknowingly fall victim to identity fraud, losing their personal information online. It is an alarming number as people still find it difficult to verify businesses online, falling for fake platforms and losing their data. On the flip side, firms also face this challenge when interacting with the outer-online world, especially when finances are involved. According to estimates, cybercrime including ID theft costs $4 billion to businesses across the US every year. Take a look at some of the statistics below to understand the impact of ID theft and the importance of biometric solutions, like selfie verification. 

  • Every 1 out of 3 Americans have fallen victim to ID theft.
  • In 2021, 40 million cases were reported for ID theft in the US.
  • ID theft is the fastest-growing cybercrime in the US which leads to other major crimes.


The Selfie Verification Process

The selfie identification process aims to prevent all these cybercrimes and processes facial data to differentiate between real and forged identities. The operation is simple and involves several steps that follow the machine learning-based image processing algorithms.

Submission of Documents

In the first step of the ID selfie verification process, the user provides a photo of their official ID, like a driver’s licence or passport. The firm’s online system compares the information on it with what’s in their records and any other details provided in the first place i.e., during registration. This helps make sure everything matches up.

Face Matching

To match with the person on the ID, firms ask customers to take and send a selfie or a few pictures. The system then implements the face matching operation, using technology to check if the person is real, after which it compares the selfie with the photo on the ID provided in Step-1.


In this step, the system verifies the identities through comparison of data and on legitimate entities it approves the person. In contrast, if the person used forged data, the ID verification selfie check will fail and the result will be displayed as unverified. 

How Selfie Verification with Liveness Detection Prevents Crime?

Selfie verification is a quick method of verifying entities on the go. It provides businesses with a seamless way to:

  • Onboard new customers
  • Commence new partnerships
  • Prevent cyberattacks

When paired with liveness detection, the selfie ID verification proves to be a secure solution that cannot be fooled with spoof attempts and still images. Here are the top advantages businesses can take from Selfie verification using AI.

Quick Data Processing

Speaking of AI, it processes data at a much faster rate. When incorporated with modern biometric technologies such as face recognition (selfie verification), AI increases the data processing rate. This saves time for business owners to focus on other important objectives. While these solutions are progressing rapidly, firms are incorporating biometric solutions across their departments. 

Anti Spoof Solution

Fraudsters’ first choice is a spoof attempt when they are trying to trick a face verification system. Using selfie verification and liveness detection, firms can effectively prevent various spoofing techniques, including recordings, digital replays, masks, and prints. It is a complete anti-spoofing solution for businesses that works fast and counters all the prevailing deep fake attempts, made through AI.

How Facia Can Help?

Incorporating selfie verification has several advantages for businesses. Liveness detection in line with this strategy, proves to be a total livesaver. Here at Facia, we understand the potential of these technologies and have developed a selfie verification system that beats most of the market-leading solutions. It is the most robust tool for businesses to verify customers on the go with zero chances of errors. We leverage the power of liveness detection, paired with 3D scanning to implement a selfie verification solution that ensures complete security. Take our free demo to learn more or contact us today to get a complete walkthrough for your specific business objective. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Selfie Document Necessary?

A Selfie document is the type of image that the person uploads to the system while holding their identity card. It is necessary for face-matching operations and ensures the legitimacy of the applicant.

Is the Selfie Verification Process Carried Out in Real-Time?

The selfie verification process is a verification process that provides instant results after uploading the selfie of the person to the system. Real-time selfies are also called photo verification. It combats spoof attempts and AI-generated imagery.

How Reliable is Selfie Verification?

When paired with other verification technologies, such as liveness detection, the selfie verification process becomes a secure solution for businesses. They can easily analyse risk with it and manage various internal operations that require verification.