Single Image Liveness Detection

Single Image Liveness Detection

Get the most friction-less liveness detection experience using a single image.

AI Picture

What is Single Image Liveness Detection?

Single Image Liveness is a biometric security mechanism that uses machine learning algorithms to verify whether a captured image was taken on the spot from the live person, or is a spoof (such as a photograph, video, or mask).

This allows for much less user-friction compared to other forms of liveness, increasing the pass rate of genuine customers.

Liveness Detection

The Single Image Liveness Detection

The system captures a single image from the user, then analyzes multiple metrics,
including but not limited to:


Edge Detection

Images printed on paper can have sharp transitions or changes in pixel intensity, which can be detected.

Color Spectrum Analysis

Non-real faces can have color inaccuracies, limited ranges, or unnatural hues due to different limitations.

Light Pattern Analysis

Images captured form a screen can produce reflections and/or glares, detectable through light pattern analysis.

Why Use Single Image Liveness?


Higher Pass Rates

Highly reduced user friction means a much lower user drop-off rate, leading to more customers.


Cost Effective

Eliminating the cost of processing video footage and other overheads means lower overall costs.


More Revenue

As you get more customers for your
business, that means that a lot more
potential revenue.

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