Blog 19 Feb 2024

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Facial Recognition A Powerful Tool with Personalised

How Facial Recognition in Retail Improves Customer Experience

Author: admin | 19 Feb 2024

The 2022 year was full of challenges and opportunities due to the pandemic. Every industry, specifically retail, faced supply chain concerns, reductions in client budgets, and predictions of an upcoming recession. Retailers also suffered the cost of living and doing business, all-time high inflation, and a sudden increase in the monetary value of everything. These reasons prevented retailers from introducing advanced AI-powered technologies such as facial recognition

Despite all these challenges, returning to a normal period brings a lot of opportunities in the retail industry. Vaccinations and lockdown lifting were reasons that people started going to brick-and-mortar stores. But why do people again trust physical stores despite COVID? Due to the contactless facial recognition system. 

Key Takeaways 

  • Online facial recognition technology personalizes client experience by recording client purchase history and providing product recommendations. 
  • The technology analyzes client’s emotions during shopping and aids retailers in enhancing store promotions and displays. 
  • Identifying returning clients helps improve the shopping experience. 

Facial Recognition is Changing the Landscape of Retail Operations

One must implement face recognition technology that allows store managers and employees to manage suspicious situations to restrict scammers and improve productivity in the retail industry. The following are positive points that will help the retail industry: 

Personalised Client Service

When the client enters the store, employees will get a notification from the face recognition system that a specific person has stepped into the store and will address his or her activities. The system can also briefly describe the client’s purchasing history, helping employees understand the nature of the products they will purchase. All these details assist employees in providing more personalised service. A facial recognition system helps staff show clients their favorite products, saving time for both parties and improving user experience.

Employees Training 

It is often observed that the store conversion rate isn’t up to the mark, and clients genuinely want to buy anything or just visit the store. Specifically, when purchasing new products, it usually happens when customers don’t fully understand what a product is, its benefits, and its attributes. The absence of such things leads to low confidence in employees. 

Online facial recognition systems quickly understand which products will grab the attention of which clients. Which customer will buy, and who will just pass by to see products in seconds? By implementing this advanced system, employees can have high product knowledge, boosting conversion rates. 

Warehouse and Inventory Management

Warehouse and inventory management is the most essential part of retail store management. A significant part of the store turnover can be due to not assembling inventory at the right time. Online facial recognition supports the retail industry by potentially streamlining inventory secure access control in restricted areas and warehouses. This ensures that only authorised and relevant persons, not any imposter, enter the premises. A facial recognition system helps reduce errors and manual processing time, impacting inventory management and efficient resource allocation. 

Payroll and HR Services

Facial recognition scan automates attendance and time tracking by identifying employees as they check in and out. This eradicates the need for manual processing, such as swiping badges, signing time cards, potential buddy punching, and reducing errors. This system also replaces conventional access control techniques such as PINs and key cards, potentially preventing unauthorised access to sensitive areas or payroll data and improving security. Employees can also access HR self-service portals and resources by using online facial recognition technology, eradicating the need for login credentials and passwords. 

Annual growth rate

How Does Facial Recognition Technology in the Retail Industry Provide Personalised Experience?

Facial recognition technology allows retailers to fix the ideal placement and easily guide clients about their desired products. The system detects a client’s movement, stores their purchasing history, and helps retailers guide them whenever they come. Let’s delve into this blog to understand the use cases of facial recognition technology. 

Shoppers Sentiments 

Every shopping website has a comprehensive client database, including age and gender. Facial recognition helps them to obtain more information in less time by recording the user’s emotional qualities, the exact time they just gazed, and how long they explored a specific product. This also detects whether the user is dissatisfied, pleased, and perplexed during checkout. Retailers can use the data to improve the store display and identify flaws and promotions to strengthen their relationships with clients. Read More about emotion recognition!

Sales Alert 

The facial recognition system quickly recognises the user’s face through a camera set at the store entrance and notifies employees about their transaction history, user preference, and demographic information. Sales marketers use this data to provide a customised user experience quickly. 

Self-Service Shopping 

Self-service is encouraged explicitly by e-Commerce, in which users search, add things to their carts, and then check out. Self-service is becoming popular due to the rise in technological advancements. By blending actual storefronts with current tools, firms make self-service more accessible for their clients. Many firms use face recognition to provide a self-service and fully automated shopping experience. 

Automated Ads

Entrance cameras of retail stores capture client images and show them related advertisements according to their purchasing history. These ads are according to the user’s age and gender. Customers respond to the ad and are directed to the product section through an on-screen message. 

Greeting Client’s 

After a customer purchases any product, the name on the invoice is linked with their face attributes and stored in the user database. Facial recognition technology scans clients’ faces when they enter the store to provide a more personalised experience. 

Impression Time 

Customers demand this dynamic ability feature to examine user perception of certain products. AI-powered facial recognition cameras are installed in the store, tracking users’ time searching for a specific product. The algorithm instantly estimates the average user impression time to determine if a product is attractive. 

Why Does Facia Help Retailers to Provide Personalised Experience?

The Facia facial recognition technology changes how business works and improves the client experience and efficiency. It provides an efficient, convenient, and secure way of recognizing and verifying customers, making it an important tool for retailers. Staying updated with advancements in facial recognition technology is essential for retailers that want to grow their business and stay ahead of their competitors. Retailers can benefit by implementing Facia’s facial recognition technology into their daily operations. 

Improve customer experience and skyrocket your sales with Facia’s face recognition technology! Book our free demo now. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between FaceSwap and deepfake?

While often used interchangeably, FaceSwap and deepfakes do differ. FaceSwap is a simpler technique, employing basic tools to swap faces between images. Deepfakes, on the other hand, employ sophisticated AI algorithms like Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to create far more realistic face replacements, frequently seen in videos.

What are Face Swap Injection Attacks?

Face Swap Injection Attacks are a specific type of deepfake attack targeting remote identity verification systems. Attackers leverage deepfakes to bypass facial recognition by superimposing a target's face onto another person's body. This deception occurs during video calls or image captures, tricking the system into believing the attacker is the authorised user.

How do you tell if a face is AI-generated?

To identify AI-generated faces, be mindful of these red flags:

  • Unnatural skin texture.
  • Poorly synchronised lip movements.
  • Inconsistencies in lighting or shadows.
  • Lack of blinking or awkward eye movements.
  • Unusual hair patterns.
  • Blurred areas where the face meets the neck or hairline.
Can Face Swap attacks work on live video calls?

Yes, face swap attacks can be conducted during live video calls. Advanced software can process video streams in real-time to alter faces. For instance, a Hong Kong-based company lost nearly £26 million due to a video deepfake scam. Attackers impersonated executives and convinced an employee to make unauthorised transfers to fraudulent accounts.

How can I spot a deepfake face swap?

Spotting a deepfake face swap hinges on observing subtle cues:

  • Inconsistencies in facial geometry.
  • Unnatural movements or expressions.
  • Mismatches in lighting and skin tones.
  • Audio discrepancies not aligning with visual mouth movements.
How can businesses protect themselves from Face Swap attacks?

Businesses can fortify their defences with a multi-layered approach:

  • Implement multi-factor authentication and biometric verification.
  • Deploy advanced facial recognition with liveness detection capabilities.
  • Train employees on the risks associated with deepfakes.
  • Utilise AI detection tools to analyse video and audio for signs of manipulation.
  • Establish clear protocols for verifying identities during sensitive communication.
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