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Deepfake Porn Deemed as a Crime | New Law Passes in UK

Author: admin | 02 May 2024

According to the Criminal Justice Bill’s new amendment, perpetrators of this manipulative act will now face jail time and other punishments.

It was a long-awaited decision by the general public and celebrities that Gen-AI Deepfakes are causing serious trouble and social unrest. Creating explicit material using this technology not only damages the entire reputation of a person but is also used for extortion and cyberbullying by the perpetrators. 

Recently, the UK’s government took a concrete step that could be the nail in the coffin of this malicious act of creating pornographic material using AI Deepfakes and damaging innocent people’s lives. The criminal justice bill was recently amended which enforces that adults who create deepfake porn of people will face unlimited fines and possible imprisonment if the content is widely spread over the internet.

Laura Ferris, the Minister for UK’s victims and safeguarding, called this sick act of deepfake pornography as ‘despicable’ and ‘irresponsible’. Additionally, the Ministry of Justice also stresses making deepfake nudes punishable with incarceration.

How Deepfake Porn is Created?

The most challenging part in regulating and prohibiting deepfake porn creation is the easy and free access to Generative-AI tools that are at the core of creating highly realistic pictures and videos of people. Perpetrators collect facial image data from social media profiles and other platforms and use them in AI deepfake creation tools to make deepfake images and videos. Deepfake porn is created using the same technology that looks highly realistic and deceives the normal eye. 

Normally deepfake creation uses the GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) model to create a highly realistic facial image and uses other techniques like facial morphing to merge the facial image with the body of another person. Thus, the pornographic picture or video looks as if the victim is performing the explicit act. 

What Benefits Will This Bill Deliver?

Undeniably, Deepfake porn creation should be made a punishable crime. The bill will not only help bring criminals to justice but also help the victims through compensation. However, it requires other supportive activities such as psychological rehabilitation given to the victims. 

It is to be noted that 10 US states have already made non-consensual deepfake porn illegal.

Future Implications

Deepfake Porn should be made globally illegal. This Criminal Justice Bill is currently passing through the UK’s House of Commons and still awaiting to become law. This also raises concerns regarding stringent regulatory measures and enforcement actions against deepfake porn makers and its robustness. However, the move in itself is progress in protecting people’s digital identities. Public awareness should be created against deepfake porn creation and any such activity should be immediately reported to cybercrime and other authorities. Moreover, social media platforms and other online services should take serious steps to protect user’s pictures and other sensitive information. 

One way of doing so is to create a strong digital identity that is guarded by a certified identity solution like Facia which ensures your digital identity protection through several identity solutions under its umbrella. From facial recognition through active and passive liveness checks in under one second, it offers the fastest identity proofing and has helped people securely surf the internet. 

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