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Air Canada extends the use of Facial recognition for Toronto-bound flights.

Air Canada extends the use of Facial recognition for Toronto-bound flights

Author: admin | 07 Aug 2024

Now passengers can create a secure ‘faceprint’ using the Air Canada mobile application. This app allows passengers to use their mobile phone selfie cameras for facial recognition as biometric boarding. The data of passengers recorded is used and retained for 36 hours only where it also requires additional consent for the traveler on the flight date. Those who don’t wish to use facial recognition can still use boarding passes and government-issued IDs for traveling via Air Canada.

Air Canada is determined to automate and speed up passenger boarding by using face verification in the airports of Toronto and Vancouver. Not only this but the passengers can use mobile apps to get their identities verified and when at the airport, all they have to do is enter and board their flight.

Craig Landry’s Viewpoint

Craig Landry who is the current chief operating officer and executive vice president is highly determined to employ and expand the use of facial recognition technology for streamlining passenger boarding and identity proofing at Air Canada worldwide.

He is of the view that many of Air Canada’s passengers are already using facial biometrics to simplify their activities like mobile phone unlocking, entering and exiting workplaces, financial activities and beyond. Air Canada is super excited to now become the first mover in Canada to test identity proofing using facial biometric technology for passenger identity verification to achieve accuracy and speed in passenger verification at selected airport touchpoints.

Air Canada Landmarking the Use of Biometric Technology

With this move, Air Canada becomes the first Canadian airline to offer Face recognition in air travel offering biometric verification as an innovation in the travel industry in the country. This will enhance the security and efficiency of the air traveling and passenger boarding process.

Omar Alghabra, Minister of Transport’s Statement

“Air Canada’s pilot process automation project at YVR airport and other airports in Canada is sure to make things efficient while respecting privacy and security. Canada’s government and Canadian airlines are looking forward to modernizing travel journeys which would make airport systems seamless.” 

For passengers participating in the new biometric boarding system, biometric data will be retained for up to 36 hours and will require additional consent for use on the travel day. 
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